Whitewater Rafting Trip 2016!
Thursday, June 23rd
Click Here For The Rafting Flyer
Adventure: We will spend the day rafting the Hudson River Gorge with Whitewater Challengers. If you haven’t seen this incredible part of your backyard, now is your chance to have a fun day and meet other Trekkers! There will be opportunities for swimming and exploring a waterfall on the river. Food will be provided for lunch. If you have a peanut allergy, we need to know that ahead of time. This is an experiential trip, where you will be learning about all aspects of running a raft trip, including reading water and steering a raft.
Classification: C level (guided rafts). | Ages: 8 and up Limit: 40 people, Parents Welcome! (space permitting)
Trip Coordinator: Kelly Nessle, [email protected] 251-3739. Trip Questions, Contact Marko Schmale 251-5191 or [email protected]
Trip Essentials: Sneakers, water shoes, or solid sandals with heel straps. Sunscreen, Personal medications, if any, Bathing suit and shorts (no cotton). Synthetic long sleeve shirt (if a cool day)
The Plan: Meet at 8:30am at Whitewater Challengers, North River (map below). We will leave the rafting base shortly before 10:00am, and be on the river between 10:30 and 11:00. The river determines the rest of the schedule. We stop halfway for a lunch break. We will be off the river sometime between 3:00 and 4:00. We will know the timing details a day or two ahead of time.
Cost: $30 (includes tip). $5 Treks Membership Fee.
Paperwork: Print out these forms: Medical Release | Informed Consent | Whitewater Challengers Release From
Make checks payable to “Treks,” and Bring them to Whitewater Challengers on the day of the trip
Whitewater Challengers
Whitewater Challengers Rafting